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It's no surprise how amazing and big the sailing features of lost ark are with a vast and dangerous sea, filled with hidden treasures, mysterious islands secret events, special creatures and lots more! be sure you're prepared, gather up the perfect crew and make the best ship across the 7 seas, with lots to do in the seas you'll be spending a good portion of your time in this very vast and wet environment.

Starting off:

You might be wondering how to start sailing well to be able to use Lost arks Sailing feature, you will first have to reach level 35 and do the required mission, upon completing this quest, you will be abkle to get your first ship and crew members.


Sailing the seas isn’t always going to be safe, you can expect to find various types of dangers, from ghost ships to natural disasters 


But with the help of your ideal crew and custom ship you can face any danger that awaits in the seas and rememebr just because you can't get past a certain area now doesnt mean its unaccessable with multaple ships and crews with different abilites the possibilities are endless!

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